Yet the "glittering show” of the dunya (world) still bedazzles – something so transient can cause such intelligent beings to be so pre-occupied with its whims and fickle fads, despite the many admonitions and destruction of great, if not greater civilisations before it. Men have been given the authority to judge fairly between one another as to what is right and wrong in their conduct. Justly and according to the blueprint of the Qur’an, man has been given a further favour from Allah of empowerment; to architect laws to govern the earth to which we are the caliphs (vicegerents) of, and have superiority over the jinn. “Yet closer and closer to mankind comes their judgement yet they heed not and turn away…” (Qur’an 21:1)
But chaos, disorder, schism, oppression, unjust leaders now rule the lands that once belonged to an ummah who had an empire one and half times the size of the Roman empire; the Islamic empire achieved in 90 years; the Roman empire achieved in 9 centuries. After such achievement, how have we descended to so lowly and vulnerable diminutive community? A diagnosis of the problem was offered by the Qur'an. Discounting other excuses we are want to give, it says, “NAY, but [most of] you love this fleeting life” (Qur’an 75:20). Just in case we are still in doubt about the raison d'entre of our predicament, Allah yet again re-iterate this in words that should shudders the souls of every believer, “Surely these love the transitory and neglect a grievous day before them.” (Qur’an 76:27) That day is the day of resurrection (Qiyamah) – “the rising of the dead” where we will stand to what will seem like countless eons; accounting and testifying against our own souls; measure for measure. “When the earth quakes with her [last] mighty quaking, and [when] the earth yields up her burdens, and man cries out, "What has happened to her?" on that Day will she recount all her tidings, as thy Sustainer will have inspired her to do! On that Day will all men come forward, cut off from one another, to be shown their [past] deeds. And so, he who shall have done an atom's weight of good, shall behold it; and he who shall have done an atom's weight of evil, shall behold it.” (Qur'an 99:1-8)
You were just a child and then you blinked and now here you are; you will blink again and it shall be the last. Time waits for no man and we can never have this time back again in this dunya. How quickly time passes, in its duality both a friend and foe to mankind, depending on which path a man chooses to take in the journey of life. And no man knows in which land he dies or when his last breath shall be.
We all control our own destiny to whether or not we will pass the test of this “glittering show”, though a fleeting existence, the consequences of which however, will echo forever in the hereafter for each and every one of us. “By (the Token of) Time (through the ages)! Verily Man is in loss, except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.” (Qur'an 103:1-3)
We must recognise this world and its “glittering show” as it truly should be recognised - false glitter and not be so bedazzled following the Shaytan and his anchors down that beaten yet much loved track. Allah (SWT) tells us in the noble Qur'an "Take what is yours in this world AND save your place in the hereafter..." - have the best of both worlds. We must not open our mind too open for the glittering rubbish to be dumped in, or too close to prevent us from learning the responsibility Islam places. We must interact with humanity and seek peace and justice for all humanity, yet we must oppose irresponsibility, injustices and oppression even from fellow Muslims.
We must respect and recognise people who sincerely strive for the progress of humanity and know that those singers, actors, playwrights, leaders, who symbolises the false “the false glitters” will not live for a 1000 years, but one day be buried in their graves – helpless and hopeless. The people of Aad and Thamud (ancient civilisations mentioned in Al Qur'an) built "towers in the sky" yet were utterly destroyed with no trace. So what are you really giving importance to?
Beware! The false glitter of people who tirelessly chase their own agendas and use others as a conduit and then make out they are doing you a favour, all in the pursuit of their own quest for fame, acceptance, popularity and "love". For those who DON'T chase the false glitter its easy for them to have all the fame that others crave for. Egos are not massaged by words of grandeur but acts of goodness and real genuineness.
"EVERY SOUL SHALL TASTE DEATH....".....that is one thing guaranteed. For those of you that read and reflect on the Qur'an will know this statement well.
- Contributed by Ms K. Khan, UK.
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