There are men who go astray in three ways. One is to leave aside the law of God and become slave of corporal desires. The second is to give preference to family customs and ways of life of forefathers over the law of God. The third is to ignore the system enunciated by God and His messenger and follow the ways of fellow-beings who either are big personalities of their own nation or dominant nations of the world.
Real definition of a Muslim
The real definition of a Muslim is that he should be immune from these three ailments. That person alone is a Muslim who sincerely believes that the teaching of God and His messenger is Absolute Truth, and that whatever is against it is false, and that whatever is good for man in this world and in the Hereafter is all contained in the teaching of God and His messenger. One who has complete faith in these verities always seeks guidance at every step in his life from the relevant injunction of God and His messenger, and on knowing the injunction submits to it. Having done that, he will never bother if his mind felt uneasy about it, or his family members upbraided him, or the worldly type of people opposed him, because in each case he will clearly reply: "I am God's slave not yours; I have affirmed faith in His messenger, not in you."
1. Servitude of ' Self '
If, contrary to this, a person says: "May this be the injunction of God and His messenger, my mind does not accept it because I consider it harmful. So I shall put aside the directions of God and His messenger and act according to my own opinion". Obviously the heart of such a person is bereft of faith. He is not a Mu’min but a hypocrite because while he verbally asserts that he is a servant of God and a follower of His messenger, in reality he is a slave of his own self and a follower of his own opinion.
2. Adherence to custom
Similarly, if a person says that whatever may be the injunctions of God and His Prophet, how can a certain custom be given up when it is practised from his forefather's time or how can a usage be discontinued which has been in vogue for long in his family and kith and kin. Such a person too will be reckoned among the hypocrites, though he might have grown on his forehead any size of knob due to profuse prostration in endless prayers and might have made his face very religious looking because the actual reality of Deen has not permeated his heart. Deen does not consist of Ruku’, Sajdah, Fasting and Hajj nor is it found in the face and dress of a man. In fact, Deen means obedience to God and His messenger. One who refuses to obey God and His messenger in conducting his affairs, his heart is in reality devoid of Deen. His Salaah, his fasting and his religious appearance is nothing but a fraud.
3. Imitation of other nations
Similarly if a person, not caring for the Book of God and His messenger's directions, urges that certain custom be adopted because it is prevalent among Englishmen, and a particular thing be accepted because another nation is making progress because of it, and a certain point be conceded because a big person is advocating it, then such a person should guard himself against losing his faith. This type of talk is irreconcilable to Iman. If you are a Muslim and want to remain a Muslim, then throw overboard every suggestion which is contrary to the injunctions of God and His messenger. Should you be unable to do this, it does not behove you to claim adherence to Islam. To assert verbally that you believe in God and His messenger but to set aside their injunctions in the affairs of your life in favour of other people's dictum, is neither Iman nor Islam. In fact it is downright hypocrisy. Allah has clearly stated in the twenty-fourth chapter of the Qur'an:- "Verily We have sent down revelations and explained them. Allah guideth whom He will unto a straight path. And they say: We believe in Allah and the messenger and we obey, then after that a faction of them turn away. Such are not believers. And when they appeal unto Allah and His messenger to judge between them. Lo! a faction of them are averse. But if right had been with them they would have come unto him willingly. Is there in their hearts a disease or have they doubts, or fear they lest Allah and His messenger should wrong them in judgment. Nay, but such are evil doers. The saying of (all true) believers, when they appeal unto Allah and His messenger to judge between them is only that they say: We hear and we obey. And such are the fortunate. He who obeyeth Allah and His messenger, and feareth Allah and keepeth duty (unto Him): such indeed are the successful." (24:46-52)
Ponder over the definition of Iman set forth in the above verses. Real Iman consists in dedicating oneself to the Book of God and directions of His messenger. Whatever order is received from there, must be implicitly obeyed and nothing against it should be listened to, may it come from one's own mind or from the family members or from the worldly people. Only that person is Mu’min and Muslim who develops this state of mind. And whoever is devoid of it is not more than a hypocrite.
- Culled from Let Us Be Muslims –by Imam Maududi.
Quote of the Day
The Rasul said:
"Whoever possesses the (following) three qualities will have the sweetness of faith
(1) The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else;
(2) Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's Sake;
(3) who hates to revert to atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the Fire." (Bukhari)
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