Sunday, 13 September 2009

Day 23: What is the Purpose of Your Life?

Everyone is created individually, with unique disposition, desires and destiny. Allah made us so. The option of Freewill demands individual differentiations and directions in life. Therefore it is important for everyone to excavate a sincere response from within themselves to the question: What do I really want in life, what do I aspire for in life? Then to seek the answer to the important question: What is my Creator's purpose for me on this Earth? The ultimate task thereafter is to plan to marry both answers together. In other words, achieve God's purpose and fulfil your halal (permissible) personal desires.

Personal wishes in life could be as divergent as far wide as possible and to unimaginable extents. It may be materialistic or non materialistic. While some may desire wealth, others may want to acquire power, or be a household-name through entertainment or innovation or academics; or transform lives, reform societies, preserve the environment, be superb, be ordinary, be influential, be admired etc. Many would just want to be successful, but they will need to define success within the context of what will really makes them happy or gives them peace of mind, tranquillity or fulfilment. But God's reason for sending us here is simple and universal: "I created the jinn and humankind only that they may worship Me." (Qur'an 51 verse 56)

Many people believe though that the pursuit of their personal desires and aspirations is hindered by worship. For instance, worship would imply constant interruption of daily activities to perform Salaat five time in a day, abstinence from foods, drinks, and intimacy in the days of a whole month (Ramadan), sharing with the poor and needy 2.5% of their saving if it is over a particular mark (nisab) for a year, embarking on pilgrimage to Makkah and finally, attesting to the Kalima (that none is worthy of worship, but only Allah alone) verbally, in the heart and actions. In short, a life of worship is incongruent to the pursuit of personal desires.

What is worship within the context of life purpose? Worship is all righteous good deeds which earn reward from Allah, not just the rituals listed above. A life of worship is a life lived with the utmost consciousness of God. It is obedience of Allah. It is possible to worship Allah through the work that you do every day. Islam expects us to serve our employer sincerely and put in enough work for the pay we earn. It expects the employer to be fair and considerate to his/her staff. Our positive attitude to people we meet every day is an act of worship, so much so that even “a smile is charity” and Allah rewards every acts of charity. Kind words, good behaviour, honesty, truthfulness, and every act promoting the well-being of Allah’s creation and creatures (including living and non-living things) are regarded as actions leading to the fulfilment of Allah’s purpose on earth. Caution though, these actions would only be accepted if the compulsory acts of worship like Salaat, Fasting, Zakaat and Hajj are intact. These compulsory acts of worship are the foundations upon which other righteous good deeds are built.

In essence, if we only attain our personal desired in this world without fulfilling Allah’s purpose for creating us, then we would become a Successful Failure. What is the point of a life well lived but lived the wrong way? It is like an perfect painter, but always painting the wrong colours in the wrong room. Or like a great pilot, who always fly in the wrong direction. How laudable is the sound of an empty success? It’s like an intelligent or achieving child, who has no regards for his father. Yes, you are fulfilled, but you disobeyed your Creator. What is great about a life which will end up eternally in Hell? Those who enjoyed life so much that they forget their true purpose on earth will be reminded but it could be too late by then. “...And hell is brought near that day; on that day man will remember, but how will the remembrance (then avail him)?” (Qur'an 89 verse 23)

The Final End is important and should be remembered at the very beginning and throughout life’s journey. Where will I end up eventually? Life is not eternal, it will end, but in what condition. Those who achieve life’s purpose will be at peace with their Creator. “...But ah! thou soul at peace! Return unto thy Lord, content in His good pleasure! "Enter thou then among my Devotees! Enter thou My Garden (in Paradise)!” (Qur'an 89 verses 27-30)

- Contributed by Shamsideen AbuSuad, UK.

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