The most valuable commodity that we possess is time. Rich or poor, we all have the same amount of time and we will all be accountable for how we spend our time. Ibn Abbas reported: Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "There are two blessings in which many people incur loss. (They are) health and free time (for doing good)". (Bukhari)
How we spend the time we have in this life is what will determine our outcome in the Hereafter. It takes time to pray, read the Qur’an, learn and understand Islam, propagate Islam, etc. Unfortunately, we seem not to have the time at our disposal. We must do those extra hours of overtime at work, attend concert on this weekend, need to take the car to be cleaned, cousin's son is having birthday party and its out of town, etc.
There are so many things we do with our time that will not benefit us in the hereafter and yet we apportion a disproportionate amount of time to these activities. Meanwhile Allah warns us against the abuse of time, Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "Allah said, 'The offspring of Adam abuse the Dahr (Time), and I am the Dahr; in My Hands are the night and the day!' " (Bukhari)
There are so many things we do with our time that will not benefit us in the hereafter and yet we apportion a disproportionate amount of time to these activities. Meanwhile Allah warns us against the abuse of time, Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "Allah said, 'The offspring of Adam abuse the Dahr (Time), and I am the Dahr; in My Hands are the night and the day!' " (Bukhari)
Our time should be used productively in the way of Islam. Five times a day we are required to give up all our worldly activities to offer salaah. “O believers, when the call to prayer is sounded on the day of congregation, hasten to Allah's remembrance and leave all worldly commerce. This is for your own good, if you but knew it.” (Qur’an 62 verse 9)
The more you give of your time to Allah, the easier it becomes, the more disciplined you become and the more likely you are to recognize the things that waste our time and discard them accordingly. Time will pass away never to be regained, but the things that we do (during that time) will remain.
The more you give of your time to Allah, the easier it becomes, the more disciplined you become and the more likely you are to recognize the things that waste our time and discard them accordingly. Time will pass away never to be regained, but the things that we do (during that time) will remain.
- Contributed by the Muslim Message Team, UK.
By the declining day,
ReplyDeleteLo! man is a state of loss,
Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
- Qur'an Al Asr 103, 1-3