Friday, 27 August 2010

Day 17: The Place for Everything and Everyone

For the responsible person, his house is the centre point of his living. It is his home. It is his safety and comfort; the harbinger of his success; the security of his acquisition; the nursery of his prosperity; and the museum of his past. It is from there that he prepares to face the day’s challenges and it is to it (his house) that he returns to refresh from life’s wears and tears.  

To perform these functions in the life of an individual, the house must therefore, be conceived, designed, structured and maintained with maximum concern. Little wonder than that the Prophet (peace be upon him) regarded a spacious home as one of the good things in life.

Just as it is with the individual, the community is also bound to conceive and maintain a physical centre-point, a convergence of their history, safety, and pride.  Different communities institute different landmark: the village square the city centre, the town hall or the conservation park, the palace, market, or a statue-filled arena. For the community of Muslims, the centre-point of our life is the Masjid (the Mosque).

The Masjid is the place for everyone and everything. It is the place of prayer (worship), it supports school and studies. Its courtyard and side halls serves a social functions as well as a business purpose. The masjid is the place of entertainment, a source of welfare and charity. It is the point of safety from aggression, oppression, racism, injustice and poverty. Allah says, “Remember We made the house a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and …a place of prayer…” (Qur'an 2 verse 125) 

It is built by individuals for Allah’s sake. Everyone regardless of origin, colour and language is allowed into the masjid. For as long as they abide by the etiquette of the masjid, they are permitted therein. No one should be discriminated against; rather, they should find solution in the masjid. Voices are not to be raised therein; sales should be discouraged in the main prayer hall. 

- Contributed by Shamsideen AbuSuad, UK.

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