How can we not be filled with gratitude to God for the opportunity of yet another Ramadan which is already upon us? We should not take this opportunity for granted. Believe it or not, over 50 million people have died between last Ramadan and today. God has not counted us amongst them for a reason: another chance to be closer to and conscious of Him. And why not?
Ramadan is the month of the greatest revelation and the best opportunity to ask of God and to be close to Him. God (The Exalted) says, “Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an as a guide to mankind also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So everyone of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting …. Allah intends every facility for you He does not want to put you to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance you shall be grateful. When my servants ask thee concerning Me I am indeed close (to them); I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me; let them also with a will listen to My call and believe in Me; that they may walk in the right way.” (Qur'an 2 verses 185-6)
Those who walk in the right way are those who have attained nearness to God. This is the highest stage of spiritual development. The stage of those who have achieved “taqwah” (a state of righteous piety of those who have ward off evil and purified themselves of sins). These are called the friends of God (Qur'an 45 verse 19) and God loves them dearly (Qur'an 9 verses 4 & 7), and their end will be most befitting (Qur'an 28 verse 83) and an excellent resort await them -Paradise (Qur'an 38 verse 49).

Don't miss the opportunity to achieve these. Have you devised a plan yet? Remember the maxim, 'if you fail to plan, you have plan to fail.' How do we prepare for Ramadan? As with any spiritual journey the starting point for the preparation is developing probity or piety, sufficient at least to acquaint you with the consciousness of the importance of the task ahead and give you a psychologically prepared state of mind suitable to withstand the rigours of the trip. Little wonder then that God gave the recommendation before embarking on a spiritual task: "…And take a provision (with you) for the journey but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me! O ye that are wise." (Qur'an 2 verse 197)
Then set for yourself and your family goals to be accomplished during the month of Ramadan. These set of goals will be better written and placed in an obvious place (like the dining area, on the mirror, computer or mobile wallpaper etc.) As usual, goals should be relevant to the spiritual task and SMART (simple, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely). You can set your goals around: Qur'an Listening, Qur'an Recitation, Salaah Punctuality, Mosque attendance, Tahajjud observation, memorisation of Qur'an and Hadith, Allah's Names & Attributes, Sadaqah/charitable contribution, communal/sponsored iftar, Laylatul Qadri, etc.

Therefore, get the tools you would need to accomplish your goals. A portable Qur'an will make reading-on-the-move (or at work) easy; MP3 or portable CD player will make listening & memorising a pleasure; a selection of books to read; alarm clock to keep you on your toes; enough food and fruits for the home and masjid; a diary list of iftar to attend and families to be invited to your home for iftars; list of charity to give sadaqah and how much you hope to spend; da'wah to conduct when, how and to who?; programmes & tafseer to attend; etc.
Remember, none of your action goes in vain, as long as you conduct them with good intentions. Keep the intention simple: to seek nearness to God. May Allah accept these from us all.
Salaam Alaykum,
ReplyDeleteGood job done here and i can acknowledge that i am a beneficiary of the Ramadan message since you have started and it geared me up too to create many Groups on Facebook having known that we now live in a society that seeks to interact with things,and use people.The Muslim should rather seek to interact with people and use things.
my observation also is that in your blog or messages we should rather use the approriate word of some islamic nouns such Mosques its now argued and known to mean a house of mosquitoes so we should rather use Masjid,Makkah for Mecca..etc.this also will enable Muslims to know the actual name for so many things in Islam.
May Allah continues to assist you and crown all your efforts.Good reward Insha Allah.
Allah Hafiz
ReplyDeletethis is also my blog,pls do let me know what i can do to improve it.
Shafi Mustapha
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice piece.
May Allah reward you with much good.
Ramadhan Kareem!
Assalam alaikum,
ReplyDeleteMay Allah reward you abundantly. Sure many of us would feel spriritually refreshed just visiting this blog at intervals during the days of Ramadan.