Friday, 28 August 2009

Day 7: Divinely Sent, Divinely Blessed!

In a recent article titled ‘Insults are better taken lying down, claim scientist’ as headlined by UK’s Daily Telegraph, it surmised that while we may experience the same anger reaction regardless of our physical posture, we are highly less-likely to react violently or retaliate if we are lying down. The article states:

Research showed that those who took personal insults while upright exhibited brain activity linked to attacking but this urge disappeared when they took the same insults lying down.

Eddie Harmon-Jones, a cognitive scientist who led the study at Texas A&M University, said: "In the upright or leaning forward state one might be more likely to attack.

"Maybe in the reclining state you're more likely to brood."

Those who took part in the study were not warned that they were participating in an anger exercise. The researchers asked them to pick something which made them cross, such as abortion or public smoking, and write a brief essay on their stance.

They were then hooked up to a machine which measures brain activity and told that a person in an adjacent room would evaluate the essay.

Then the students chosen for the study heard a voice recording of someone disparaging the intelligence, likeability and logical skills of the essays.

Volunteers who heard these insults while on their backs felt as angry as volunteers who were upright. However, measurements showed that in upright volunteers, a reaction in the brain that has been linked to anger and the likelihood of retaliating.

Those who received their insults while lying down, however, did not experience the same angry brain reaction.

The scientists now think that lying down could affect how the brain handles other emotions, such as desire and happiness.

Peter Bandettini, a brain imager at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, said: "It never occurred to me that body position might influence behavioural or neuronal activity in the context of aggression - but it makes sense.


Abu Darr narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down." (Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Abu Dawud) We must learn to leave issues to be determined by Allah and not be moved to angry retaliation regardless of the issues of contention. One day, while the Prophet was with his companions, a man came and said things to insult Abu Bakr, but Abu Bakr, ignored him. But the man continued and even said more annoying things, yet, Abu Bakr was patient. When the man continued his lies again, Abu Bakr, angrily responded and the Prophet (peace be upon him) just got up and left. Abu Bakr later asked the Prophet if he was angry with him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied, “An angel came down from Heaven and he was rejecting what he had said to you. When you took revenge, a devil came down. I was not going to sit when the devil came down.” (Abu Dawud)

Also, in another hadith, he recommended the use of water to drink and in another narration to use as ablution when in a state of anger: “Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one of you becomes angry, he should perform ablution.” (Abu Dawud)
Could the devil be the agent of anger in our brain? Is the devil physical or potentially a brain wave? Instead of our lackadaisical armchair response "Your research is 1430 years late," we should be in the forefront of such researches. Muslim Social Scientists and undergraduates could investigate various similar advices from the Prophet. This venture could provide scientific explanations for divine guidance. This perhaps is the challenge of this generation. Muslims would therefore have reasons to be even more convinced of the value and certainty of our affiliation to the Prophet’s guidance; and not ‘archaic advice’ or ‘cave mentality’ as some would have us believe.

Further, this is a validation of the Qur'an claim that the Prophet does not say things out of personal desires or without guidance. “Your Companion (the Prophet Muhammad) is neither astray nor being misled nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him: He was taught by one mighty in Power.” (Qur'an 53 verse 3-5) Indeed, he is a divine messenger and his guidance is the only sure guidance. He continued in the path of the previous prophets like Ibrahim/ Abraham, Musa/Moses, Dawud/David, Issa/Jesus etc.

- Contributed by Shamsideen AbuSuad, UK.

Special Supplication:

“O Allah, by Thy knowledge of the unseen and Thy power to create,
grant me life as long as You know life will be best for me,
and take me (in death) when You know death to be best for me.
O Allah, I ask You for Taqwah (God Consciousness) both within my secret heart and openly.
I ask You for the word of truth in pleasure and anger;
I ask You for moderation both in poverty and riches;
I ask You for felicity which does not pass away.
I ask You for comfort which is not cut off.
I ask You for satisfaction with what is decreed/destiny.
I ask You for a pleasant life after death.
I ask You for the pleasure of looking at Your Face,
and longing to meet You in a state in which distress does not cause harm or testing lead astray.
O Allah, beautify us with the adornment of faith,
and make us guides who are rightly guided.”
(Tirmidhi, Hadith 2486)

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