he would not leave here on a living creature,
but He reprieveth them to an appointed term, and
when their term cometh they cannot put (it) off an hour nor (yet) advance (it).” Qur'an 16 v 61
If Allah were to judge Humans by their sins, Allah would not leave any of his creation -humans & animals- on earth. We are usually very arrogant and very treacherous. But our greatest sin is the sin of ingratitude to Allah. Human is weak (Qur’an 4 verse 28). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “All humans are sinners.” In essence, there is no perfect human being, there is no one without any imperfection; if you scrutinise the life of anyone, you will always discover a limitation.
However, this should not be used as a premise by people with weak faith or those with ulterior motives as a justification to continue to live in sins. Some may ask about the infallibility of the Prophets. Are they also weak and living in sin or are they perfect human beings? Allah has protected his prophets from major sins, but being human they may exercise poor human judgement or obvious preferences. Sure they may have their weak points, but they would never be found with shameful or disgraceful acts.
They are perfect with respect to their divine responsibilities; they were custom made because of the task ahead of them. The burden of major sins and shameful deeds are removed from them deliberately by Allah who says to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “Have We not purified for you your breast? And removed from you your burden, which weighed down your back, and raised high the esteem (in which) you are held?” (Qur’an 94 verses 1-4). This is in reference to the surgical purification operation which Angel Jubril carried out on the little Muhammad when he was still a toddler. So even before Muhammad became a prophet, he was already known as the Trustworthy. All the Prophets went through some sort of purification. This is why they would always stand out from their mates.
What then should a Muslim make of allegations against the Prophets of God in the Bible? For instance, it is alleged that Prophet Ibrahim (or Abraham) lied about the status of his wife because of material needs he wanted from the King who had an interest in her. Prophet Dawud (or David) was accused of deliberately sending one of his subject to the war front to be killed so that he can covet the subject’s wife in addition to his 700 wives and 300 concubines. Prophet Nuh (or Noah) was accused of being drunk, exposing himself and committing incest. Prophet Sulaiman (or Solomon) was accused of worshipping his pagan wife’s false gods. Even Prophet Issa (or Jesus) was said to have stolen a donkey and of cursing a tree which had no fruit as it was not yet its season. These allegations are false as prophets are protected and well mannered. Such reports are falsified and un-divine. The Jews fabricated these stories, the Christians accepted them. Even some Muslim scholars quote such stories because they could not imagine that the Jews and Christians could concoct such lies against their ancestors, their prophets and leaders.
Humans are generally weak and our weakness could cause the disaster for all living creatures. In essence, the consequences of our actions will not be limited to ourselves, but the entire Earth. However, Allah Who is As-Sabur (the Ever-Patient) will not look at the extent of our sins, He will preserve us till our appointed terms perhaps we would change for the better or learn from our experiences fraught with our weaknesses. And Allah loves that we recognise our weakness, accept our sin and live a life of transformation and struggle-to-sustain our strength until our appointed terms, our Judgement Day, which is when death occurs for each of us.
We will never be able to delay our appointed term no matter how much we enjoy life and desire for it to continue, even if we have the wherewithal to fund longevity of life. When the appointed term is not yet near, we cannot hasten it no matter how much we hate life or suffer therein. We can only leave this Earth at the time allocated and only Allah knows when that will be. As thet say, "Be Prepared."