Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Day 10: Ramadan is Here Again – Time to be Humble (Part 3 of 3)

My Brethren! A window of opportunities is flung open to you to seek repentance, put your needs/requests before your Lord and for other benefits too. What are you planning to do? Will you maximize your harvest or will you just sit and watch? Do not be a loser but be determined to reap the maximum benefits from the month.

O servants of Allah! Why is it that we are refusing to improve our deen? Why are we always looking for excuses to justify our wrong doings? Is it not time for us to change our ways and be in compliance with Allah’s injunction. Verily, know that Shaytan has no effect upon you in this period of Ramadan. If you continue in your evil ways of the past, then there is no doubt that you are truly a shaytan among man. Please let us check ourselves while you give thought to the following verse of the Qur’an:
Is it not time that the hearts of those who believe should be humbled to the remembrance of Allah?
We pray:
O Allah! As the Ramadan comes to us, we ask You for the good of what we give, the good of what we do, the good of what we do in secret and what we do in the open. We ask You for the attainment of the higher degree in Jannah.
O Allah! Forgive all our sins and faults. Provide abundantly for us, help and guide us to carry out goods and strengthen our morality.
O Allah purify our hearts from envy and desires of the world and clothe us with honour and longing for your Ridwaan, O Lord of the Worlds. Aaamiin.
Aquulu qawliy hadha wastaghfirullah liy walakum.
This ends my discussion and I ask ALLAH for forgiveness for you and myself.
Wa aakhiru da’awana anil hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen.
- Contributed by Ustaz Suleiman Zubair, Abuja, Nigeria.

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